Volume 10: Sustainable Energy Solutions for Changing the World: Part II

Augmented Reality reducing energy uses and COâ‚‚ emissions Madeleine Martinsen, Erik Dahlquist, Jinyue Yan



The Internet of Things (IoT) has created the opportunity for the development of new features such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and extended reality (XR) and is now beginning to become more and more mature techniques. However, the implementation of these concepts has not been as fast in the industry as one might imagine. Tests that were conducted at some mining businesses, shows on many possible areas of use that can save energy and reduce COâ‚‚ emissions and as well travel costs. In addition, it was verified that AR supported so that the remedy time was significantly reduced, thus minimizing production stoppages by more than 50% of the time, which in the end affects the Swedish GDP (BNP) positively. One concrete example with the alternative with AR was to solve a problem in a mine in Australia, where a three-year-old problem in a mine hoist was solved over an recorded AR call which later on was showed to 12 experts, from different parts of the world, over a skype meeting, saving principally some 15 MWh per person, or a total of 150 MWh, due to avoiding the long flights. In addition, a lot of time and by this money was saved as well! Predictions about how much energy can be saved are made if 50% of all the world’s business travel is replaced by AR concepts, which was investigated in this essay. The amount corresponds to all of Sweden’s total direct carbon dioxide emissions in one year which accounts for 70 Mton COâ‚‚ per year.

Keywords energy, internet of things, augmented reality, mining business, COâ‚‚ emissions, troubleshooting time

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Energy Proceedings