Volume 1: Energy Innovations: Accelerated Deployment, New Concepts, and Emerging Technologies

Designing Effective City-to-city Transnational Collaboration for Climate Mitigation: Network Element and Network Centrality Bola (Michelle) Ju, Jieun (Do Eun) Rhee



With the emerging issues of the climate change, the international society has formed international coordination and cooperation, such as the IPCC and the UNFCCC, permitting to share climate-related information and discuss about strategic solutions of climate mitigation. In this context, countries have agreed on reducing a certain amount of carbon dioxide through the shift from fossil fuel to renewable energy, transitioning conventional energy system to be cleaner and sustainable within their geographical boundaries. Knowing that international issues such as climate change require coordination problem-solving strategy to increase its impact and synergy effects, cities, countries and regions have formed urban cooperative networks and coordination to increase synergies, share technical knowledge and engender climate change mitigation and adaptation impacts. The following study aims to investigate the C2C (city-to-city) climate network effectiveness in the presence and absence of network elements including (i) a specific linkage and (ii) network externality elements. In addition, network characteristics of the identified international C2C will be assessed through the result of their (i) eigenvector centrality and (ii) connectivity degree to ultimately assess the relative importance of network characteristics of highly effective transnational C2C networks, along with presumable geographical implications.

Keywords Multilateral C2C, transnational network for climate mitigation, network elements, eigenvector centrality

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Energy Proceedings